Sunday 22 September 2013

Media Keyords

Iconography - This refers to the conventional meaning attached to an image, for example we would expect to see certain items on the screen or poster which would relate back to its genre. this could mean for an action film you would expect to see guns, swords, body armor, etc.
Tagline - A Tagline is a small amount of text in which it adds more of a dramatic effect on the viewer. The concept is to create a memorable phrase that the viewer would remember.
A-Actors Expressions
M-Make Up
Credit Block
BBFC - British Board of Film Classification is a non government organisation which assesses films, DVD and games. They are funded by the film industry and are responsible for the national classifications and censorship of films within the United Kingdom.
Binary Oppositions - The contrast between two mutual concepts like Day/Night, Good/Evil, Male/Female etc. Binary Oppositions are the things which create conflict and drives the narrative.
Audience - The people who are intended to watch, read or listen to the media.
Genre - Is a way to categories different types of media according to its form, style and contents. This categorisation is useful for audiences, so that they know what to expect from the media.
Enigma - A question that is not immediately answered and then draws the audience into a text. Eg. a body is discovered at the beginning of a TV detective drama. The killers identity is an enigma. We watch to find out who the killer is.
USP - Unique selling point or proposition. The attribute of a text or product that is highlighted as being new or unique in the market, something that sets it apart from its competitors.
Protagonist - The character who drives the narrative forward, throught the choices they make and actions they take.
Famme Fatale - Irresistibly attractive woman. One who leads men into difficult, dangerous or disastrous situations.
Monochrome - A way of describing paintings, drawings, designs or photographs that use one colour or shades of one colour. An example is a comic book.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Why I chose Media

I chose A Level media because it seems like a subject I would enjoy as it is both practical and exam. I would enjoy the practical side more because it will be fun to and will also bring out my creative side in which I could develop a passion for the subject along the way. Media has also been recommended by my friends who have also said its a great subject to do as long as you put in the effort from the start and then you are going to be expected a good grade. The friends who suggested it to me received good grades themselves so I thought I would go ahead and give it a try. Within the course I will have to concentrate to make sure I do well in the exam to get a good grade in the end.

In general its a subject I would of done at GCSE but I also wanted to do other subjects so I never did it in the end, and now its something I would like to focus on.